Friday, December 21, 2012

Solstice Surrender

The winter solstice is about the time of darkness yielding over to the light; from this point on, the nights grow shorter and the days are longer. It is a time of hope and rebirth, a time for self-reflection when we determine what no longer serves us: ways of thinking that haven't allowed us to be our True Self, unhealthy habits, regrets and resentments, sadness, anger, pain, old wounds that prevent new growth, and things whose time has passed; the winter solstice is the time to release those things - to surrender them -  and prepare the ground for new seeds to grow.

One of the ways that I've heard of to do this is to write down those things which you want to surrender on tiny slips of paper and then burning them, releasing them to the darkness to make space for the light. I like this idea.

I have much in my life that I need to examine and, then, let go of tonight. There are even a few things that I thought I had already surrendered during past years' rituals only to find that they had crept back into my life when I wasn't looking. Tonight, I will once more search my heart and give over these things which serve me no more, things which block my spiritual growth and potential.  Tonight, I join with Great Mother as She goes into labor and give birth to my own Child of Light.  I will pour all of my intention, determination, and courage into bringing forth this Child of Promise, that with the coming year, the change that arises will be a blessing not only to myself but to all whose lives I enter.

Brightest Blessings to you and yours on this Winter Solstice.