Wednesday, January 20, 2010

The Path to Sainthood

What he said: "Wow, I just can't believe how big you are at 22 weeks!"

What I heard: "Wow, I just can't believe there aren't folks trying to roll you back into the ocean!"

Now, I know that he hasn't had any real experience with a pregnant woman before. I understand that he's not had the opportunity to watch the wonder that is a baby growing inside another human being. Still, I couldn't help but look down at my stomach after this comment and think, "Good GOD, he's right. Come on, people, PUSH -- Willy needs to get back to the open water!"

And then sit as a couple tears of self-pity rolled down my cheek.

Yes, I can say with utmost certainty that pregnancy hormones have got me feeling overly sensitive, irrational, and more than a tad bit insecure. I've read that it's all normal, and I have no doubt that's true, but I can't for the life of me ever remember being as ... hormonal during my previous pregnancies as I have been with this one, particularly lately.

Let's look at another example. The other morning for some reason only the imp that lives in the water-pipe knows, while in the shower I was inexplicably doused with icy water. There I stood, shampoo in hair, in real danger of getting it in my eyes, soaped-up all over and absolutely no hot water. I know there was a logical explanation, (like the water heater had suddenly sprung a leak and flooded the entire basement or something silly like that) but at the time it was enough to send me into inconsolable tears. Really. A cold shower. Yes. I know. ... Hormones.

After the "Willy" incident, I got to thinking that if I'm this far gone at only 22 weeks, things are going to be pretty rocky for the next 18. He's already shown an extraordinarily generous capacity for understanding. By the time Cernan is born, he's going to be eligible for sainthood.

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