Monday, May 23, 2011

Day 23, Round 1, P90X

It's tough.  No, really, it has not been an easy 23 days by any stretch of the imagination.  And this is Day 2 of the RECOVERY week!! LOL  Well, that said, I feel amazing. I mean, my muscles ache.  They've been worked in ways that they haven't been worked in a really long time - at least since Boot Camp back in the late 80's. 

So, to update you on my latest achievements: I got a pair of body fat calipers and I used them.  On the 18th of this month, to be exact.  I was at 37% body fat then.  ONE WEEK LATER: 34.8% body fat! I don't know about you, but I'm impressed. I am looking forward to the 30 day mark, when I snap more pictures to compare to my starting ones.  I have no doubt there is going to be a rather amazing transformation.

One thing I will say is that I am actually sticking - mostly - to the eating plan.  Phase One is not my favorite part of it.  As a matter of fact, I hate it. I have always been a firm believer that I could survive on a couple loaves of bread and a pound of butter a week, but in Phase One of THE PLAN, that's not an option.  It's not even an afterthought.  In Phase One, you have to cut out almost all carbs and stick to high protein foods and lots of veggies.  I like a good steak as much as the next gal, but I sure do miss my side of baked potato (complete with all the other badness, like cheese and sour cream) followed by dessert. Seriously, no carbs. *pout* Did I mention lots of veggies? I'm not a fan. I've been told that most of the vegetables that I do like are actually the ones that I should eat less of. Go figure. *sigh*

BUT!! There is a bright spot in all of this and that is SHAKEOLOGY!
Click to read more about this awesome nutritional drink!
With this one shake, I feel better about not having a huge slab of chocolate mousse pie.  Seriously, it's deliciously yummy, even when I don't add in a tablespoon of all natural peanut butter or a few drops of pure vanilla or a banana or ... you can probably see where I'm going with this. It's versatile and really, really tastes great and pssst! It's good for me!! Who knew?

Anyway, I'm pretty excited about the changes I'm seeing in my body, both physically as well as emotionally. All in all, I have to say P90X is a rather awesome program. 

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